March 5

My first month in year 5!!

In 2019 I have finally moved up to year 5 I thought it would be boring it isn’t we get to do APS cycling, swimming, triathlon and rock climbing we have not done rock climbing yet but we are soon. We finally have 3 sessions of P.E on a week A on week B we have 2 sessions. I never new I was a hood bike rider or a good swimmer.

This term for writing we have been focussing on persuasive writing it is a bit challenging we just finished are full writing we had 5 mins to plan 30 mins to write an 5 mins to edit that is 40 mins in  total. This year with maths we have been doing algorithm and The lattice method here are some examples  it is really easy and hard, I have made so many new friends. There are so many new kids there is a hole new class there is some mixed though not a hole class of new students.

My teacher is amazing she allows talking and very kind now I know how to do a lot of more maths and all my study’s . Also my teacher knows what she is talking about O and she doesn’t get angry well when some kids really really really are being annoying but that has only happened twice but other than that she is awesome. Homework is kind of easy but in about the next two weeks it is going to get hard, some of the tasks I really don’t understand.

My holidays were good were yours? 

From yours truly Sam

March 5

Nativity reflection

let’s learn about the story of how Jesus was born

There were kings, guards, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, wisemen and narrators all of the act of are awesome play! On Tuesday we had a play all about the nativity story on the birth of Jesus Christ. We played to the year 3’s,  parents and yes for our age care buddy’s! After we had to do  the play two times are voices were toast because there microphone was busted,  finally we had a chat to are buddies and some more of the people there.

I was a wiseman, I personally, I think the wise man  were the audiences favourites. Everyone had a absolute blast,   if you are a year3 you are going to have a lot of fun . I have learnt a lot more about the nativity story than I thought I new. Everybody cracked up laughing when the wiseman and shepherds did a GINORMOUS GASPS! That proves that everyone, (and us) had a great time.


What do you know about Jesus?










