October 30

Camp TOONALLOOK! A camp to remember!

ON Tuesday our class went on a four hour bus dive over to TOONALLOOK in Gippsland. When we got there our class walked over to the lunch and playing area. When we got to that area we had lunch, and the best thing is that our school owns it.

When we finished lunch we did a photo rally which is when we got a photo of a part of Toonallook and we had to find the place where there was a metal plate with to letters of the Alphabet then once we found the letters which were hidden in the area then we checked the back of the photo to find a number then we will go back and find the number on the page and write down the letters in the spot. That night we played the Toonallook Shoe Game tradition.

On the second day we did some king ball which is the bigger version of 2 square with huge water tanks as the playing field. Then after that we did a camp out in real tents and yes we made them ourselves. After we made the tent we saw a police boat and meet some of the Water Police.   After that we got split up into to groups and one of the groups did kayaking when the other did some bike riding around Toonallook. My group started with kayaking  it was so fun and wet, so worth it though we were all hot no not that boiling. After that I was the only person who swam in the water after kayaking.


After that my group woke up to get ready for the big bike ride around Raymond Island. While we were bike riding we were also koala spotting, but it was so hot and riding around the whole island out in the heat. After we finished the ride we did some fishing but nobody caught any fish. The good news was that we caught a lot of jellyfish though. When we finished that we went on a really fast boat that went like 150kph.


The next day we went back home but I will see Toonallook next year.


Have you been kayaking before?



October 11

blogging challenge first week Avatar

At my school we are doing a blog challenge which is all around the world instead. In the first week we made an avatar on cartoonify and this is mine.

I think this app really got myself like my hair is so closely related to mine. Also the eyes are so well made because I do have greyish blueish eyes, the face is well done as well. This green shirt is one of my outback shirts


Do you have an avatar?